Embracing Communication Culture - Why Communication is Crucial in the Work Place
Fauxels @ Pexels
Communication is the make or break of our businesses.
Picture this... As you leave your first meeting of the week, you replay the (incredibly brief) brief you have just been given in your head. You wish that you had more information to give you clarity on the task - you may not even know where to start.
Sound familiar? Then you may have some communication complications within your workplace, but fear not, because here at SMASH IT! Training, we take great pride in helping workplaces flourish. It’s time to get your communication back in business…
Before we give you our key to 5* communication culture, it’s important to explain a little more as to why you might want it…
Effective communication not only improves employee relationships, it also encourages collaboration, increases motivation, drives innovation AND businesses with effective communication are 50% more likely to have a lower employee turnover. Crazy right?
But, with the emergence of front-room offices and unstable internet connection, we can't expect all businesses to be able to automatically adapt to the aftermath of the Covid craziness that we are caught in today. Catching up with colleagues on a 13x15 inch screen, with audio that has travelled through many miles of poor connection, doesn't exactly scream clear communication, does it?
So how can communication thrive no matter where you are working from?
Step 1 is to pick the right tools! There are many tools that aid communication in the workplace such as Slack, Zoom, Teams, Hangouts and so many others. Many businesses make the mistake of picking the first one they find and hoping for the best but you wouldn't put a mirror on a wall with a spanner would you? It’s important to pick the right tools that work for you and your business otherwise communication may be affected further down the line.
Step 2 is to wave bye-bye to one way communication! It’s 2021 now, it's time to get our employees asking us questions. Allowing your employees to voice their opinions makes them feel heard and empowered. In fact, according to Forbes, employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6x more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work!
Finally, Step 3 make sure what you are communicating is relevant. We all know what it's like to be overloaded with irrelevant information, desperately sorting through trying to find anything of any relevance. Not only does that waste employees time, it decreases productivity in the workplace massively.
Want to know how well your team communicate? Take our Senior Leader’s Scorecard