Maximising Communication

Communication is the lifeblood of any business, and when it falters, it can have a huge impact on the wider organisation. In this session, teams will use the ‘White Room’ strategy to pin down exactly where the faults in communication lay and what can be done to combat them. Using Ensize DISC, teams will be able to analyse behaviours in the organisation to delve into exactly why people behave the way that they do and why conflict arises.


  • Understand why effective communication has gone astray

  • Develop an understanding of the four behaviour types to identify how you should respond to each internal and external customer

  • Develop an effective communication best working practice moving forward


  • How to identify and adapt to the four behaviour types

  • Alison Edgar’s Big Balls productivity tool to ensure the whole organisation are talking in the same prioritisation language

  • The White Room strategy, encouraging them to look at the situation from a wider perspective and move forward

  • Ultimately how to communicate effectively within the organisation with both internal and external customers